On Friday the 14th, I went to a cultural fair for class, it was wonderful! There were booths for nearly every country in the world. Most had food and music, and people were dancing (especially the Cuban booth).
The only thing that was kind of bothersome was that a lot of the booths from other countries had few to no persons from said country. The Cuban booth had about 8 people working it, and only 1 person was actually from Cuba. Regardless it was great to go to this festival, and to speak with people from other countries.
Two of my classmates and myself in front of the Colombia booth |
We were asked to talk to people from Spanish speaking countries about what their countries were like which was very interesting. The most common issue was economic problems, with many people in poverty. Another problem was that that most of the governments were corrupt and abusing their power. There was definitely a lot of talk about not having more rights for the people of some of these countries.
What they shared positively about was the culture: the food, the people, the history, and the dancing. It's amazing that people care so much about their culture. In the US, most have assimilated so much that they don't know about their own heritage other than the names of their ethnicity/ethnicities.
While in here in Mexico, on Saturday the 15th, I had the wonderful opportunity to go to La Mole Comic Con which is like Comic Con back home. I'm a big nerd so I enjoy conventions for pop culture. La mole is different in that everything is in 1 room, where at home there are panels for discussions and activities.
Original Batmobile from the 1960's |
On Sunday 16th, (or today) I made it to the beautiful city of Guanajato, unfortunately my host mom told me the night life is better but I did not have time to stay for 2 days because I had a large amount of homework.
Anyways, this city is in a valley and a very steep hill. We found some stairs and just climbed some stairs that became steeper and steeper. What was also interesting was that these small hallways with steep stairs were also neighborhoods! Imagine having to walk steep stairs everyday just to go to work, their leg muscles must be amazing, haha!
Center of Guanajato |
I am far off in the distance! |
It was a good weekend!